Sunday, April 29, 2012
Chasing the Eiffel Tower
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
2 months in!

Friday, April 6, 2012
Good Friday Reflections
A Maundy Thursday Service
Gray sky about to burst into a violent storm,
I enter sacred space.
Old friends embrace, a past of
Water is consecrated to clean the feet of twelve unworthy men.
I want to weep.
How did you remain composed that night?
You really are the Holy Prophet.
This is a drawing in the chapel at the Palazzo where I take classes. This is a depiction of the Eleventh Station of the cross, Jesus being nailed to the cross, and is the inspiration for my poem.

The Eleventh Station
Sunday, April 1, 2012
This has been one of the most blessed weeks I’ve spent in Orvieto thus far.
This morning was the Palm Sunday service at church. We joined with another church in the area and began the morning outside with palms. The priests were dressed in their red robes today and began to do some of the liturgy of the service in the piazza outside our church and then processed into the church. I have been practicing to sing with the church’s choir on Easter, but this morning we (unexpectedly) joined the choir for Palm Sunday. Because there were two congregations present the church was more filled than I have ever seen it—every chair and standing space filled. There was also another choir leader and some of his singers/instrumentalists; thankfully, they lead about half of the worship throughout the service so there was less pressure on us! I was pleasantly surprised to find that if I followed the program for the service I could actually follow the scripture readings and liturgy. The priests read the entirety of scripture from the Triumphal entrance all the way until when Christ was buried. As the service went on there were times for congregational response (some of which I could follow, others I could not!) When it came to the choir’s time to sing, the director would whisper the page number in our songbook and we’d quickly flip to the page so we could follow (not as sophisticated of a process as you’d imagine). Turns out, we didn’t actually sing any songs I had practiced before, but it worked out okay! It was such a blessing to be part of such a larger service and to have a greater grasp on what was happening throughout the morning. Though I don’t understand most of the language, attending church each week helps me to become familiar with and appreciate the liturgy and is an eye-opening cultural experience (especially attending choir practices!). In the last couple of weeks, our program has begun meeting together on Sunday nights to read some scripture passages, reflect and worship together (in English!); it’s the perfect preparation for a new week.
The rest of today will be filled with studying…our first Italian exam is tomorrow afternoon, so we’ll see how that goes! Feel free to email me or send me snail mail anytime!
Alyssa Provencher
Gordon College
46 Santo Stefano
Orvieto, TR
Italy 05018